Professional CMYK, LAB, RGB, PANTONE© and Greyscale color models.Select Same and Select Object functions.Quickly access royalty free images through the Stock panel.Save documents as template files to re-use time and time again.PSD, AI, PDF, EPS, SVG, JPG, JPEG XL, TIFF, EXR, DXF and DWG file support.Customizable shortcuts with attached keyboard or new quick menu.Full control over character and paragraph styles.Flexible text handling including comprehensive support for OpenType.True creative freedom not found in other apps.High quality raster tools for texturing, masking, and finishing artwork.Use the strengths of vector and raster behaviors for the best of both worlds.Switch between vector and raster workspaces with a single tap.Incredibly smooth gradient and transparency controls.Live effects, blend modes and image adjustments.

Pencil and brush stabilization for drawing super-smooth curves freehand.Powerful contour tool to create abstract objects or increase the width of single open curves.The best pen tool, node tool, curve editing and smart shape tools available.Rock solid vector tools that work just the way you want them to.Incredibly accurate results with minimal nodes.Seamless switching between tools and editing modes for frustration-free design.Live pixel, retina, wireframe, and x-ray views of vector artwork in and out of split screen mode.Optimized for documents of any complexity, zoom to over 1,000,000% for absolute precision.Live gradients, transforms, effects, and adjustments.Multiple shadow, outline and overlay layer effects per object.Drawing scale – including ability for different scales set per artboard.Quick Menu for context-sensitive access to commands.Command controller hosting on-screen modifiers.