The Stretchers and Nintendo Switch are trademarks of Nintendo. See retailer for details.Ī Nintendo Switch Online membership (sold separately) is required for Save Data Cloud backup. *MSRP: Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. Supported Play Modes: TV mode, Tabletop mode, Handheld mode.Supported Languages: Japanese, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, English.But don’t let the levity distract you from your ultimate mission: to stop the evil mastermind Captain Brains and the spread of his chaotic Dizzies! Game Info Two player couch co-op is supported in the campaign via split Joy Cons. Find co-op news, reviews, and more info about this game. You never know what hilarity will ensue, whether it’s the laugh-out-loud writing or yet another unexpected slapstick situation. Co-Op gameplay information about The Stretchers on Nintendo Switch. When you receive a distress call, don’t be afraid to get curious and experiment. You’ll also unlock additional hats, costume colors, and furniture for your home base by exploring mission areas and the world map.

As you play and replay missions, you’ll complete bonus objectives and uncover hidden collectibles with hilarious results! Rush around the city and provide medical assistance to the victims in the hilarious game The Stretchers for Nintendo Switch Enjoy crazy adventures with a friend. Either way, how you go about it is totally up to you, whether you work together to transport many Dizzies at once on a stretcher or work in parallel by splitting up dragging the Dizzies to the ambulance one by one. В скобках, курсивом написана приблизительная дата выхода для игр, только планируемых к релизу, если она известна.The world has a bad case of the Dizzies-residents dizzied by Captain Brains-and only you can rescue them! Work with a friend in co-op or skillfully control two medics on your own to overcome the physics-based puzzles of each madcap mission.