However, you can change that path with the PUPPETEER_DOWNLOAD_PATH environment variable. The default download path is node_modules/puppeteer/.local-chromium. # Q: Chromium gets downloaded on every npm ci run.

We have a troubleshooting guide for various operating systems that lists the required dependencies. # Q: I am having trouble installing / running Puppeteer in my test environment. This means that Puppeteer does not support HTTP Live Streaming (HLS).

The Puppeteer team needs input from users to stabilize Firefox support and to bring missing APIs to our attention.įrom Puppeteer v2.1.0 onwards you can specify puppeteer.launch( ) # Q: What features does Puppeteer not support? The ongoing collaboration with Mozilla aims to support common end-to-end testing use cases, for which developers expect cross-browser coverage. Official Firefox support is currently experimental. # Q: What is the status of cross-browser support? The Chrome DevTools team maintains the library, but we'd love your help and expertise on the project! See Contributing.